Hamilton County Genealogical Society
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Cincinnati, Ohio 45215-0865
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Ohio Genealogical Society
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Listings Per Page: 

Listings: 1 to 14 of 14

Volume 1-22, Hamilton County Burial Records (on DVD)
Price: $125.00; Member Price: $100.00
This offering is now available due to the help of one of our long-time and dedicated volunteers. Over the past 30+ years, the chapter has published 22 volumes of our Hamilton County Burial Record series. These volumes have now all been scanned and are available as 22 separate searchable PDF files on either a DVD or an USB drive for the price of $100.00. This is approximately a 90% discount from the combined purchase price of each individual volume as they were published in the past, some of which are currently out of print. This will certainly benefit the researcher who is interested in several different volumes and can be more easily searched as a PDF.
Version:  This is the DVD version.
Price: $125.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Volume 1-22, Hamilton County Burial Records (on USB Flash Drive)
Price: $125.00; Member Price: $100.00
This offering is now available due to the help of one of our long-time and dedicated volunteers. Over the past 30+ years, the chapter has published 22 volumes of our Hamilton County Burial Record series. These volumes have now all been scanned and are available as 22 separate searchable PDF files on either a DVD or an USB drive for the price of $100.00. This is approximately a 90% discount from the combined purchase price of each individual volume as they were published in the past, some of which are currently out of print. This will certainly benefit the researcher who is interested in several different volumes and can be more easily searched as a PDF.
Version:  This is the USB Flash Drive version. 
Price: $125.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Walnut Hills United Jewish Cemetery, 1850-2002
Price: $32.50; Member Price: $26.00
Hamilton County, Ohio, Burial Records: Volume 15, published 2003. Complied by Anita S. Marks and Mary H. Remler. Paperback; 248 pages; 8.5 x 11. The Walnut Hills United Jewish Cemetery is one of the five active locations comprising the United Jewish Cemeteries. Information contained for the individuals within this index includes, if available: date of birth; date of death; name of spouse/parents; place of birth; and location of grave in cemetery; in addition to other information when given.
Price: $32.50
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Delhi Township Cemeteries, 1800s-2004
Price: $22.50; Member Price: $18.00
Hamilton County, Ohio, Burial Records: Volume 17, published 2003 (reprinted 2005). Compiled by Mary E. Remler. Paperback; 114 pages; 8.5 x 11. This index includes Our Lady of Victory Catholic Churchyard gravestone readings, South Bend Baptist Churchyard records, Lee-Darby Family Cemetery records, Delphi Universalists Cemetery records, Shiloh Community Methodist Churchyard records, Schumann Family Cemetery, Shiloh Community Methodist Cemetery plat, St. John Protestant Churchyard gravestone readings, St. John Protestant Churchyard 1940 plot, Sisters of Charity Catholic Cemetery, and St. Joseph Cemetery of Mt. St. Joseph Convent, and Sisters of Charity 1940 Cemetery plat.
Price: $22.50
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

New St. Joseph Irish Cemetery, 1850-1894
Price: $79.00; Member Price: $63.20
Hamilton County, Ohio, Burial Records: Volume 18, published 2008. Complied by Jeffrey G. Herbert. Paperback; 790 pages; 8.5 x 11. This index contains more than 30,000 burials that took place in New St. Joseph Cemetery, also known as St. Joseph Irish Cemetery, between January 1850 and December 1894. The names were taken from microfilm copies of the original records. Also included are lists of LDS film numbers; original lot owners; and priests serving Irish parishes in or near Hamilton County, Ohio.
Price: $79.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Old St. Joseph German Cemetery, 1845-1879
Price: $28.00; Member Price: $22.40
Herbert, Jeffrey G. Hamilton County, Ohio, Burial Records: Volume 19. Milford, OH: Little Miami Publishing Co., 2009. -- Old St. Joseph Cemetery was established as a burial ground for Roman Catholics in Cincinnati and is located at 3823 W. 8th Street in Price Hill. This index contains more than 13,000 burial records. The burial register for this cemetery is the source for this index. Written mostly in old German script, the register usually contained only the name of the deceased, burial date, and grave location. These records were then compared to church burial records to add the age of the deceased and the church from which the deceased was buried. Existing headstones were also checked for additional information, which is included in the Notes column. Burial index is by surname and by lot/block. Maps of cemetery sections are included.
Price: $28.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

St. John German Cemetery, 1849-1879
Price: $55.00; Member Price: $44.00
Herbert, Jeffrey G. Hamilton County, Ohio, Burial Records: Volume 20. Milford, OH: Little Miami Publishing Co., 2010. -- St. John Cemetery was established in 1849 as a burial ground for Roman Catholics in Cincinnati, and is located on Vine Street in St. Bernard. This index contains more than 28,500 burial records. The burial register for this cemetery is the source for this index. Written in German using old German script, the register usually contained only the name of the deceased, burial date, row/grave or block/lot. These records were then compared to the church burial records to add the age of the deceased and the church from which the deceased was buried. Maps of cemetery sections are included.
Price: $55.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Symmes Township Cemetery Index, 1800s-2012
Price: $15.00; Member Price: $12.00
Hamilton County, Ohio, Burial Records: Volume 21, Little Miami Publishing Co., 2013. Complied by Carol A. Sims and Mary R. Remler. Paperback; approx. 108 pages. This is the latest edition of the Hamilton County cemetery series. It contains readings and extractions from cemeteries located in Symmes Township in the northeastern portion of Hamilton County. The main index includes names of persons buried in Union, Kerr, and Camp Dennison (Waldschmidt) Cemeteries. Included in the introduction are names of persons buried in private cemeteries in Symmes Township. These include Bell Cemetery, the Bridal Path Burial Site, the Evergreen Cemetery (Buckingham family burials), and Spooky Hollow Cemetery (Rude family).
Price: $15.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Baltimore Pike Cemetery, 1853-2010 Baltimore Pike Cemetery, 1853-2010
Price: $28.00; Member Price: $22.40
Hamilton County, Ohio, Burial Records: Volume 22, published 2014. Paperback 386 pp. Edited by James G. Dempsey and Mary H. Remler. This index volume contains extracts from over 23,000 records of the historical German Evangelical Cemetery in North Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio, known as the Baltimore Pike Cemetery since World War I, from 1853 through 2010, a period of 157 years.
Price: $28.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Hamilton County, Ohio, Church Burial Records, 1850-1859
Price: $39.50; Member Price: $31.60
Compiled by Jeffrey G. Herbert. Published 2000. Paperback; 412 pages; 8.5 x 11. The church burial records found in this publication, extracted from 48 sources, provide help in filling the gap left by Hamilton County, Ohio’s many courthouse fires. For this volume, nearly 20,000 names are indexed and alphabetically arranged from 48 church records and religious publications. When given, parents’ names, burial dates, death dates, ages, and maiden names are listed. Maiden names are alphabetized in a separate section for cross-reference. NOTE: These are church records of deaths and are not cemetery burial records.
Price: $39.50
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Hamilton County, Ohio, Church Burial Records, 1860-1869
Price: $56.00; Member Price: $44.80
Complied by Jeffrey G. Herbert. Published 2000. Paperback; 571 pages; 8.5 x 11. The names extracted from church burial records for this publication came from more than 25,000 death records from nearly 70 churches of various denominations. NOTE: These are church records of deaths and are not cemetery burial records.
Price: $56.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Hamilton County, Ohio, Church Burial Records, 1870-1879
Price: $55.00; Member Price: $44.00
Complied by Jeffrey G. Herbert. Published 2001. Paperback; 571 pages; 8.5 x 11. NOTE: These are church records of deaths and are not cemetery burial records.
Price: $55.00
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Hamilton County, Ohio, Church Burial Records, 1880-1889
Price: $69.50; Member Price: $55.60
Complied by Jeffrey G. Herbert. Published 2006. Paperback; 621 pages; 8.5 x 11. This volume includes names from 82 churches (Catholic included) and more than 29,000 entries. NOTE: These are church records of deaths and are not cemetery burial records.
Price: $69.50
Shipping / Handling: $1.00

Hamilton County, Ohio, Church Burial Records, 1890–1899 Hamilton County, Ohio, Church Burial Records, 1890–1899
Price: $68.75; Member Price: $55.00
Complied by Jeffrey G. Herbert. Published 2016. Paperback; 620 pages; 8.5 x 11. This index contains over 25,900 deaths in Hamilton County between 1890 and 1899. The source of information for this index is the Hamilton County, Ohio church death and burial registers. These were kept by ministers and priests for their particular churches. Not all deaths during this time period are indexed as some records have been lost or destroyed or the church decided not to be included. The quality and information vary from church to church, minister to minister and year to year. As much information as possible has been included in this index to assist the researcher establish ancestral matches.
Price: $68.75
Shipping / Handling: $1.00