Irish & Italian Immigrants
Birthplaces of Irish and Italian Immigrants in Hamilton County, Ohio
Records 1865-1930 (Print or PDF)
Birthplaces of Irish & Italian Immigrants in Hamilton County, Ohio Records 1865-1930
Published 2022. Economic opportunity in America and escape from poverty, social upheaval, and political chaos drew immigrants from many countries of Europe. The Great Famine, lack of opportunity for Catholic tenants, and poverty drew Irish immigrants. Italian immigrants escaped the social and political turbulence of a newly unified country that offered few economic opportunities. Knowing the Irish county and town or the region of Italy for a Hamilton County ancestor can be a breakthrough for a family researcher. This index contains the names of over 13,400 individuals who emigrated from Ireland and Italy to Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio, and were referenced in various records between 1865 and 1930. The source material for this work includes newspaper death notices, cemetery records, church baptism, marriage and burial records, and published histories of Hamilton County, Ohio. The publication contains the name of the immigrant, the date of the record and page number to lead the researcher to the original source record, their age, and the indicated place of birth. In the case where a woman’s maiden name is recorded, it has been extracted and these names are sorted in a separate index for easy cross-reference.
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page modified: 2022-11-16 RTB